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Folio stainless-steel chopping board set


Product Information

What’s for dinner tonight? A succulent steak? Or maybe a healthy salad? Whatever you decide, Joseph Joseph is on hand with the Folio chopping board set so that you can prep your meal with ease. Complete with four colour coordinated boards, each one is designed with a textured surface that ensures you don’t slip while chopping and dicing your food. Oh, and the accompanying case is made from fingerprint proof stainless steel, too.Joseph Joseph stainless steel chopping board setCase 100% stainless steel; chopping boards 100% polypropyleneIncludes: case, four chopping boardsNon slip feet, fingerprint proof case, stand holds boards apart, textured cutting surfacesBoards: height 24cm, length 34cmCase: height 26.5cm, width 35.5cm, depth 7.4cm3.3kgDishwasher safe

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